Some sellers are in a hurry to sell their home. They will hire a real estate agent, like Brad Dahler, to help them get a buyer as soon as possible. Real estate agents have great marketing tactics. Some of these tactics will benefit the seller but will hurt the buyer. There are several other mistakes buyers should avoid.
Agent representation
Most buyers do not realize that an agent can either be working as your representative or the seller. If the agent is not working for you, he or she will have the interest of the seller in mind. It would be best to have an agent representing you especially if an agent represents the other party.
Bad mortgage
Buyers do not want to spend more money on hiring an accountant. They choose a mortgage on their own without professional advice. They do not realize that a bad mortgage can make you spend thousands in taxes and interest. It would be better to spend on an accountant to save more money in the long run.
No inspection
A professional inspector should check the house before you decide to buy it. Some houses can look perfect but when you inspect it closer there are huge repairs that can cost a lot. A professional can determine things that need repairs that may not be visible to the eyes of most people. Hiring a professional inspector is worth it. You do not want to be living in a house that would be needing repairs every now and then.
Owning a new home is an achievement for most people. It is a dream come true that everyone aims for. Buying a house is not as simple as most people think it is. Make sure you consider everything to avoid any trouble in the future. Hiring a real estate agent can help you with all the process and will save you from plenty of headaches.