Monthly Archive: December 2021

Ronn Torossian PR

An overview On Ronn Torossian PR And His Works

Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5W Public Relations, one of the largest PR companies autonomously owned in the U.S., reported continuing with the development of the organization, extending to a workforce of more than 250...

Ronn Torossian PR

Information About Ronn Torossian Pr

Overview Torossian began his career in public relations in 1998, working with then New York City Council Speaker Peter Vallone, Sr., during Vallone’s trip to Israel. He also worked for an Israeli party. During...


The Collaboration of Max Pawn With Credova Credit Line

For serving its wide audience, Max Pawn has now partnered with Credova Financials LLC for offering lines of credit. Max Pawn is a leading luxury goods provider, including designer handbags and jewelry among its...